Flexible working and working from home: is this the new normal?

A joint event hosted by Chadwick Lawrence, TSG and the FD Centre looking at flexible working and how technology can support this.

Chadwick Lawrence will be presenting on the legal background to flexible working, including working from home.  Many employers and employees must adapt quickly as a result of the global pandemic, which involved adapting to home working very quickly.

Chadwick Lawrence will also look at the rights of employees, and how you as an employer can still maintain a productive workforce despite working from home.

TSG will also explore how you can make the most of technology to make working from home just as easy as being in the office. They will also suggest additional programmes that you as an employer could make use of within your business to promote the future of home working’.

The FD Centre will share their experience of going on line and working remotely during the pandemic.  Illustrating how their clients were able to continue business as usual  and, in some cases, even thrive with the assistance of a  Part Time Finance Director, working remotely, ensuring that systems and processes were put in place to enable the Finance Function to work efficiently and effectively.

To book your place on this webinar please email [email protected] or fill in the form on the right of the page. You will receive the link to the webinar nearer to the event.

Type of event? Online seminar

Who should attend? MD’s, FD’s, SD’s, MDs, FDs, SDs

Why attend the event? Find out how you can implement flexible working and how technology can support this.

Categories: All categories, Events