Managed Detection and Response (MDR)

Protect your business with our Managed Detection and Response service (MDR), which offers proactive threat detection, round-the-clock monitoring, and expert incident response to safeguard your valuable assets from the ever-evolving threat landscape.

Don’t wait for a security breach to happen – take charge with our managed detection and response service

Your organisation’s digital assets are critical to your success but they’re constantly at risk from malicious actors. That’s why managed detection and response (MDR) is a must-have tool for protecting your business. MDR offers advanced security measures that reduce the time to detect and respond to incidents, keeping you one step ahead of cyber threats. With stringent compliance requirements, managed detection and response is the smart way to meet security regulations and avoid costly penalties. Choosing TSG’s managed detection and response service keeps your digital assets safe and secure.

Endpoint Security

An endpoint detection and response security solution that minimises insurance and business risk

Our flexible two-tiered model is designed to quickly detect and respond to security threats targeting both endpoints and cloud services.

Our managed detection and response service is powered by Microsoft’s cloud-native technologies and advanced security features, ensuring you get top-of-the-line protection for your valuable assets. The use of cutting-edge automation, machine learning, AI, and integration built into the Microsoft Cloud platform allows us to help you reduce alert noise and automate common tasks. This automation not only saves valuable time for security teams but also enables faster and more accurate threat detection and response times.

Endpoint Threat Detection and Investigation

Our managed detection and response service proactively monitors, identifies, and responds to threats across your endpoint environment by using Microsoft Defender for Endpoint to analyse, contain, and remediate threats.

Early threat detection

Detect threats early before they cause significant damage to your systems

Threat identification

Identify the severity of the threat and make informed decisions about how to respond

Quick response

Contain and remediate threats, minimising their impact on your system and reducing the risk of further damage

Continuous monitoring

Continuous monitoring endpoint environment, ensuring that any potential threats are detected and addressed in a timely manner

Expert support

Access to expert security analysts who will provide guidance and support in responding to threats

cyber threat intelligence services

Cyber Threat Intelligence (CTI)

Trying to play catch-up with the latest cyber security threats can be exhausting – especially when you have other priorities to think about on top of that. At TSG, we take proactive measures to ensure that your business stays one step ahead of the constantly evolving cyber security landscape.

Our team continually integrates threat intelligence from external sources, as well as cyber threat intelligence discovered during investigations, to provide you with the most comprehensive security solution possible. But we don’t stop there – we take it a step further by automatically feeding emerging Indications of Compromise (IOC) into our playbooks to block malicious content, ensuring that your business is always protected against the latest threats.

Automated Response and Remediation

At TSG, we believe in taking a proactive approach to security by implementing automated threat containment and remediation strategies. We do this through utilising agreed-upon security playbooks and SOAR (Security Orchestration, Automation and Response) capabilities.

These playbooks are essentially a set of predefined procedures that outline the necessary steps to take in the event of a security threat. By following these procedures our team is able to quickly and effectively contain any threats that arise, reducing their impact and limiting potential damage to your organisation.

The additional benefits of our SOAR capabilities include:

✔️ Automating processes such as device isolation and blocking suspicious activity

✔️ Expediating the remediation process and ensuring quick response to threats

✔️ Reducing the time required to resolve security incidents

✔️ Focusing more on complex security issues that require human intervention

endpoint detection and response, cyber threat intelligence

Security Recommendations

TSG share recommended security improvements as part of our continual service improvement to eliminate risks and reduce your attack surface.

cyber security reporting, cyber threat intelligence

Reporting and Analytics

You’ll receive digestible reports that highlight security metrics so you have a frequent, high level overview of what’s going on.

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Why choose TSG for your IT security services?

With TSG’s managed detection and response service, businesses using M365 can rest assured that they have a comprehensive security solution in place that can quickly adapt to new threats as they emerge. The service provides real-time monitoring of endpoints and cloud services, analysing incoming data and quickly identifying potential threats. In addition, TSG’s team of expert security analysts is always on hand to investigate and remediate any issues that arise.

Our MDR service is available to new and existing clients who have an M365 Business Premium license. If you don’t, take a look at how we can help you get the right M365 licence for your business.

Our full Risk & Security Services

prevention detection and response icon

Prevention, Detection & Response

Learn how TSG can help to protect your business with comprehensive strategies for prevention, detection, and response.

Check out our PDR services
Business Continuity

Business Continuity

Ensure business resilience with our expert guidance on business continuity planning and incident response.

Discover TSG's Business Continuity services
certifications and compliance

Certifications and Compliance

Explore certifications, compliance, and regulatory standards for your business' success. Stay ahead in today's landscape with our services.

Get certified

What to expect from our Risk & Security consultation

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    Initial consultation

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  • 3

    Report provided with recommendations

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    Follow up

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